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livelihood diversification in ethiopia

After thorough reading, 42 papers were used to review out of 182 papers. However, crop diversification status and extent of farmers … Ample studies conducted about livelihood diversification in rural Ethiopia were limited to … 2010;38(10):1429–41. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH VOLUME 5, ISSUE 09, SEPTEMBER 2016. Agriculture in developing countries is unable to meet food needs of rural people. Due to the unstable and meagre agricultural context of the study area, farm income alone could not feed the ever increasing population. 0000022299 00000 n stream 3.2 Rural livelihoods diversification. In fact, households who diverse their livelihood activities are less vulnerable than the undiversified farm households. <<71E7AF898154689E4B099D42C03FCC6D>]/Prev 292319>> Results (Table 2) depicted that majority (83.1%) of the farmers were able to diversify their livelihoods into either of the three livelihood diversification strategies or combined income activities, whereas the remaining 16.9% of the sample households were unable to diversify their livelihoods, often lacking the means to engage in any form of income-generating activity aside agriculture. Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Mekelle University, Mekelle, Ethiopia, Department of Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria, Department of Geography, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria, You can also search for this author in In light of these, this study attempted to analyse the impact of livelihood diversification on rural household food security in Goncha-Siso-Enesie district, Amhara Regional State of Ethiopia. In addition to this, empirical studies consistently show that diversification to non-farm livelihood strategies enables farm households to have better incomes, enhance food security, and increase agricultural production by smoothing capital constraints and help coping with environmental stresses [3, 4, 11, 12]. Purpose: This study aimed to assess the livelihood diversification and food security among peri urban households the case of Horo districts. The possible explanation for this could be that extension workers are not only providing agricultural extension services to farmers but also entrepreneurial skills, the entry point for participating in non-farm income business activities. A mixed research method of sequential transformative strategy was used. Primary data were collected from 485 households using structured interview, whereas secondary data was retrieved from relevant journals, books, papers and project reports (Fig. Its contribution for GDP is 41 percent, export is 90 percent, employment is 85 percent and food security is high. Multistage sampling technique was used in selecting the study sites and 485 sample respondents. For the poorest, who have the least capacity to effectively manage risk, diversification may be a response to constraints imposed upon them by increasing climate risk. Ellis F. The determinants of rural livelihood diversification in developing countries. Their study uses small sample and focuses only on areas affected by famine during the survey years. On farm activities are activities, which are directly related with agricultural production focused on both crop production and … As a result of this and other factors, the agricultural sector could not absorb the rural productive labour force. Especially, the better of rural households that do not only diversify for survival but also for enhancing better financial returns and then accumulation of wealth for a better life. Rural livelihood diversification strategies in Ethiopia According to Ellis (2000), livelihood activities can be categorized into three namely on farm, nonfarm and off farm. Mulwa C, et al. Bezabih M et al. Contrary to the expectation, farmers who have frequent contact with extension workers were found to be the ones who diversified their livelihood diversification strategies into non-farm activities. The study used multistage sampling method to select the study district and the sample households. Agric Econ Res Rev. As a result, smallholder farmers grow multiple crops on a small piece of land both for consumption and commercial purposes in different portions of Ethiopia, including the northwestern part of the country. Realities NC. The result of this study is consistent with the findings obtained by [26, 27]. Khatun D, Roy BC. This result is in line with the findings of [19, 24, 25]. J�� The maximum likelihood estimates as indicated by the Chi-square test was found to be highly significant (Table 3). International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 2017(164). Livelihood diversification in Borana pastoral communities of Ethiopia - prospects and challenges @inproceedings{Gemtessa2007LivelihoodDI, title={Livelihood diversification in Borana pastoral communities of Ethiopia - prospects and challenges}, author={K. Gemtessa and E. Bezabih and W. Tiki}, year={2007} } Income diversification patterns in rural sub-Saharan Africa: reassessing the evidence. In line with this, the coefficient of dependency households (DEPENDANT) was found to have negative relationship with on-farm + off-farm choices of household livelihood diversification strategies and statistically significant at 5% probability level. 0000129603 00000 n 2016;29(2):183–90. 2012;2(9):208–16. World Dev. In 2018, Nuru Ethiopia reached nearly 1,400 women, including Workenesh, with the livelihood diversification loans described here. A mixed research method of sequential transformative strategy was used. Clim Risk Manag. Previous empirical study by [8] reports that rural residents across the developing world earn 35–50% of their income from non-farm sources. 0000022493 00000 n Rural livelihoods diversification has generally occurred as a result of an increased importance of off-farm wage labor in household livelihood portfolio or through the development of new forms of on-farm/on-site production of non-conventional marketable commodities. The poor individuals and Degarege, Gebeyaw Ambelu. Interpretation of the odds-ratio implies that if other factors are held constant, the odds-ratio in favour of the probability of the household to choose on-farm + non-farm income-generating livelihood strategies of the household decreases by a factor of 5.750 as the age of the household increases by 1 year. livelihood diversification, and the role of women was found . Four peri urban kebele were randomly selected based on 10 km radius of the shambu and sekela towns out of the existing 22 kebeles. Descriptive statistics were employed to analyse the data. However, identification of the factors that determine households’ choice of livelihood strategies of pastoralists has received little attention. Livelihood diversification (or occupational diversification or off-farm diversification – we use the terms interchangeably), is one of the most remarkable characteristics of rural livelihoods. Furthermore, results of the multinomial logistic regression model attested that households’ choice and adoption of livelihood diversification strategies were positively determined by the households’ level of education, access to credit, income, membership of cooperatives, remittance income, farmland, access to irrigation and access to credit, whereas age, dependency ratio, family size, access to extension services, distance to market, livestock ownership and agro-ecology were found to have negative relationship and significantly affecting households’ choice and adoption of livelihood diversification strategies. J Dev Agric Econ. Only on-farm livelihood strategies practised by few households, and … & Phil-Eze, P.O. By using this website, you agree to our volume 7, Article number: 62 (2018) Gebrehiwot Weldegebrial Gebru. Households who are members of formal cooperatives gain benefits like sharing income and labour, access to credit, reduced individual transaction cost, updated market information on farm produce such as on inputs and farm equipments. Different published and unpublished documents were collected through different search engines from different databases, Google scholar and Google. If other factors remain constant, the odds-ratio in favour of the smallholder farmers to choose on-farm + off-farm, on-farm + non-farm and combination of on-farm + off-farm + non-farm income activities increases by a factor of 23.915, 24.367 and 23.269, respectively, as income of the household increases by one ETB. al., (2005), carried out research on livelihood diversification in Borana pastoral communities of Ethiopia- prospects and challenges. 2013;5(12):482–9. This study was conducted to assess the various factors that affect households’ decisions on livelihood diversifications the case of Kuormuk and Homosha districts of Assosa zone, Beneshangul Gumuz regional state, western Ethiopia. Education level of the household head (EDUCATION) was found to be one of the most important determinants of livelihood diversification as prior expectation. 0000000015 00000 n Ample studies conducted about livelihood diversification in rural Ethiopia were limited to The review was made on determinants and challenges of livelihood diversification in Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, empiri-cal studies found that non-farm income accounts for as much a–%the average households income [9, 10]In this regard, it is obvious that the contribution of non-farm income is immense but varies from place to place and people to people due to different contextual factors. Abstract. 0000023451 00000 n If other factors are held constant, the odds-ratio in favour of the smallholder farmers to choose on-farm + non-farm livelihood diversification strategies increases by a factor of 4.431 as remittance income increases by one ETB. 2 Climate-change adaptation and livelihood diversification in Ethiopia The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicates that the majority of countries in sub-Saharan Africa are likely to experience a higher increase in mean temperatures and greater variability in rainfall patterns than other regions this century (IPCC, 2007). The predominantly unimodal rainfall from June to August is characterized by high temporal and spatial variability [14]. There are a lot of pushes and pull factors that affect rural livelihood … Springer Nature. Livelihood diversification is a strategy that can boost farmers’ income and promote sustainable land management practices. The objective of the study was to analyse the determinants of livelihood diversification strategies among rural households in Eastern Tigray Region of Ethiopia. 0000028544 00000 n 2016;8(10):228–40. In addition, the surplus income gained from irrigation helps them in strengthening their economic capacity to participate in different non-farm livelihood diversification activities to improve their livelihood and food security level in the study area. Chambers JK. to have shifted with the evolution of the traditional system. This study investi-gates the factors that determine the probability that a farm household participates in non-agricultural income diversification activities in Ethiopia. First, the study district was selected purposively out of the seven districts in Eastern zone of Tigray because of its drought proneness, high population pressure, land degradation, scarcity of high cultivable land, existence of high out-migration and prevalence of food insecurity [15]. Gebru GW, Asayehegn K, Kaske D. Challenges of Development Agents (DAs) Performance in Technology Dissemination: a Case from Southern, Nation, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS), Ethiopia. Cite this item: Degarege, G. A. <> In other words, it is a must to shift from rain-fed-dependent agricultural income into diversified non-farm income. Chawanote C, Barrett C. Farm and non-farm occupational and earnings dynamics in rural Thailand. In Ethiopia, empirical studies found that non-farm income accounts for as much as 40–45% of the average households income [9, 10]. However, the focus of their work was on the strategies of improving sustainable Livelihood diversification strategies play a key role in development process. In studies conducted in di erent parts of the … migration (often in itself a part of livelihood diversification) and agricultural intensification. box 260, Mizan-Aman, Ethiopia Moges Shiferaw Economic Commission for Africa (ECA),Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the determinants of rural livelihood diversification activities of the rural household in the Lemmo District, Hadiyya Zone of Southern Ethiopia. Rural livelihood diversification is then defined as ‘the process by which households construct a diverse portfolio of activities and social support capabilities for survival and in order to improve their standard of living’ (see also Ellis, 1998; Ellis, forthcoming). University of Otago. The majority of the households employ more than one livelihood strategies. Kebele is the lowest administrative unit in Ethiopia as peasant association in other countries. Washington: The World Bank; 2012. 0000022911 00000 n Farm households that engage in highly productive non-farm activities typically enjoy upward mobility in earning [3, 13]. 2001;26(1):1–23. Study Area and the Community The result of this study is in line with the findings by [23]. Non-farm occupational and earnings dynamics in Rural Thailand. Agric & Food Secur 7, 62 (2018). J Agric Econ. In Ethiopia, farm households engage and pursue diverse off-farm and non-farm livelihood activities to cope with diverse challenges such as drought. 0000128996 00000 n Gender and Livelihood Diversification in Rural Ethiopia pour 70,75 €. Farmers also need to diversify due to their inability to specialize and to get sufficient income, and also the need to make self-insurance against drought. The study district receives an average annual rainfall ranging from 350 to 500 mm and temperature ranging from 13 to 20 °C. Retrouvez Gender and Livelihood Diversification in Rural Ethiopia: Women's Participation in Non-Farm Activity:The Case of Shebel Berenta Woreda, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. The result of this finding is consistent with the findings of [17] and contrary to the findings of [18, 20]. If other factors remain constant, the odds-ratio in favour of the smallholder farmers to choose on-farm + non-farm or combination of the three (on-farm + off-farm + non-farm) livelihood diversification strategies increases by a factor of 7.506 and 5.898, respectively, as membership to cooperatives increases by one. 2025. Keeping other factors constant, the odds-ratio in favour of the smallholder farmers to choose combination of the three (on-farm + off-farm + non-farm) livelihood diversification strategies increases by a factor of 5.519 as access to credit increases by one. The descriptive statistics were used to identify the livelihood strategies in the study area. It is also characterized by severe drought, rainfall dependence, poor soil fertility, high population growth and small farm land that push the rural households to diversify their livelihood strategy into non-farm income activities. In Ethiopia, rural households combine a broad array of livelihood activities, most of which are depend mainly on the exploitation of natural resources and subsistence farming systems [4,26,27]. Rome; 2011. 1). Agriculture in the study area is at subsistence stage, complex, diverse and risk prone. Access to agricultural inputs and its recommended application practices are an indispensable part of improving agricultural production and productivity. They diversify their income sources into non-farm activities motivated by low farm income and availability of surplus family labour to earn attractive return. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. 2012;25(1):115–24. But Dega, and between 2000-2300 masl, wet WoinaDega; some of the studies so far … Ethiopia Dessalegn Anshiso* Department of Agriculture Economics, Mizan-Tepi University,P.o. 0000028639 00000 n Livelihood strategies and diversification in western tip pastoral areas of Ethiopia Yilebes Addisu Abstract The purpose of this study was to identify the livelihood strategies and diversification status in the western tip of Ethiopia, Lare woreda. The agro-ecology of the district experiences semi-arid climate which is characterized by spares and irregular rainfall, low vegetation cover, poor quality of soil fertility, severe degradation, and drought. Against to prior expectation, livestock holding (LIVESTK) in tropical livestock unit (TLU) has negatively and statistically affected households’ participation in on-farm + off-farm livelihood diversification strategy at 5% level of significance. Chawanote C, Barrett CB. Davis B, Di Giuseppe S, Zezza A. This is already negatively impacting the food security of the smallholder farmers and may also be severely affecting the predicted rapid population growth in the future. 62 0 obj Livelihood diversification and welfare of rural households in Ondo State, Nigeria. The single most important activity is trading, while labouring for others is also important. 0000054384 00000 n Livelihood diversification is commonly accepted as the promising strategy to escape from such type of shocks and to transform the rural economy. Request full-text PDF. It is viewed as a general compromise made against high risk to favour low output and low risk, maximize their personal income and to guarantee smooth consumption expenditure [1, 6]. Livelihood diversification is a strategy that can boost farmers’ income and promote sustainable land management practices. %PDF-1.5 Gebru GW, Beyene F. Rural household livelihood strategies in drought-prone areas: a case of Gulomekeda District, eastern zone of Tigray National Regional State, Ethiopia. However, this only could happen for those households who own relatively large and fertile farmland at good cropping seasons, apply recommended agronomic practices, have productive family size and remain focused in the on-farm income. 2016;8(10):215–27. startxref As expected, age (AGE) was found significant at 5% probability level to negatively influence smallholder farmers’ livelihood diversification into on-farm + non-farm income-generating activities. Diversification, climate risk and vulnerability to poverty: evidence from rural Malawi. 0000020879 00000 n 0000131433 00000 n The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Ample studies conducted about livelihood diversification in rural Ethiopia were limited to The paper also shows the need for greater historical depth in the understanding of livelihood diversification. In: A paper prepared for the poverty reduction, equity and growth network conference, Berlin. This means rural households who own more TLU have more probability to remain without diversifying their livelihood options into on-farm + off-farm and/or combination of the three (on-farm + off-farm + non-farm) livelihood strategies but able to diversify into on-farm + non-farm income activities. endobj The result of this study is consistent with the findings of [4, 7, 13, 19, 27, 28]. Terms and Conditions, Addis Ababa: Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia; 2013. Cornell University, mimeo; 2013. 0000028576 00000 n Keywords: livelihood strategies, diversification, cluster analysis, smallholder, Ethiopia 1. Multinomial logistic (MNL) regression analysis was estimated to analyse the determinants of livelihood diversification strategies among rural households analyse determinant factors for households to choose and adopt livelihood diversification strategies where the dependent variable has multiple outcomes [j = 1, …, 4, where a household choice is relying on j(1) = on-farm alone; j(2) = on-farm + off-farm; j(3) = on-farm + non-farm; j(4) = on-farm + off-farm + non-farm income-generating activities]. The purpose of this study was to identify the livelihood strategies and diversification status in the western tip of Ethiopia, Lare woreda. %%EOF In converse, it aggravates the already unstable livelihood situation of the farmers. Like other world, rural people in Ethiopia diversify their asset, income and activity due to push and pull factors. Adepoju AO, Obayelu OA. Methodology 2.1. 8�b��@��D�^'�L��f �`���N��–Zɬm�1$�H`��!O� �l �8�ߨU�>��G�SiS��r�uv �������T��R���z�\16K�:6�*l^_���ʨ�7jY�֡p':��e2���G�v����$ -�Dz6k3x�-�肹?�|0Fc@+&���L��� ma� -�yf�a��訌��m�e�PUw�{:��T�Q�������������K�p�R1��i�ћ�M|CX �۬ �Ut���X�S���mbT.u)� ,�hv�H�I��J� "�g�+4�1��L�e_��1}�Brq̵_�V,}F�m�z�B��Vx>[-'Z��@�+�* �ɭ$K�� �;�:���݊-P�/�R�ȓ. California Privacy Statement, For the poorest, who have the least capacity to effectively manage risk, diversification may be a response to constraints imposed upon them by increasing climate risk. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to: (1) identify choices of household livelihood diversification options and (2) analyse the determinants of livelihood diversification strategies among rural households. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Alobo Loison S. Rural livelihood diversification in sub-Saharan Africa: a literature review. /Contents 64 0 R In Ethiopia, farm households engage and pursue diverse off-farm and non-farm livelihood activities to cope with diverse challenges such as drought. This item is not available in full-text via OUR Archive. 0000021648 00000 n Livelihood diversification strategies, including crop, labour and income diversification, are important in these contexts, although the motivations and outcomes may vary significant. The result of this study is consistent with the findings of [26]. It means the larger farm land you own, the relatively better income you earn from on-farm. Thus, rural households engage in to different livelihood diversification activities to ensure their food needs and secure their future livelihoods. in Ethiopia. They diversify their livelihood through on farm, nonfarm, and … 2010. This is somewhat at odds with the trajectories envisaged in agricultural policies in Ethiopia and other developing countries, which prioritize production of cash crops (and food crops for commercial purposes) as a pathway for development and food security. Agriculture sector programme of plan on adaptation to climate change. © 2021 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. It is true that individuals with a high initial livelihood asset have greater freedom of choosing high return non-farm activities and benefit most. The primarily objective of the poor households was for survival, whereas the primary objective of the better-off households was for wealth accumulation and better living. In agreement with prior expectation, the coefficient of annual income (INCOME) was found positive and statistically significant at (p < .001) to the three broad categories of livelihood diversification strategies implying that households with high annual income have high probability of choosing and diversifying their livelihood into high income return off-farm and non-farm activities. Cite this article. Due to the unstable and meagre agricultural context of the study area, farm income alone could not feed the ever increasing population. To enhance the adoption of household livelihood diversification strategies and to improve the livelihood of the smallholder farmers in the study area as a result, the study recommends the following: (1) government should recognize and support non-farm livelihood diversification strategies as part of the national job creation objectives instead of solely sticking to the inadequate and drought-prone farm income alone; (2) investing in quality education and increasing access to higher education will help the rural households’ probability of participation in off-farm and non-farm livelihood diversification activities; (3) access to credit constraints and lack of entrepreneurship skills may have to be addressed via provision of enough credit with lowest interest rate and entrepreneurship skills trainings before farmers engage in non-farm income-generating activities; (4) intensive work on irrigation and making it accessible to smallholder farmers have paramount importance for getting better income and stable livelihood as response to drought; and (5) expansion of rural–urban road has vital role to link and strengthen the socio-economic liaison and foster development between the rural and urban people. 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